Documentation for [[|VISUAL / ONLINE OBERON]] ====== Out module ====== The module for compatibility with education examples. PROCEDURE **Char** (ch: CHAR) Writes a character into the log. PROCEDURE **Ln** Writes a carriage return into the log. PROCEDURE **Int** (i, n: INTEGER) Writes an integer number into the log, with n digits.\\ If n is too small (e.g., 0) to represent the number correctly,\\ the necessary minimal number of digits is used. PROCEDURE **Real** (x: REAL; n: INTEGER) Writes a real number into the log, with n digits.\\ If n is too small (e.g., 0) to represent the number correctly,\\ the necessary minimal number of digits is used. PROCEDURE **String** (str: ARRAY OF CHAR) Writes a string into the log.