Documentation for [[|VISUAL / ONLINE OBERON]] ====== Log module ====== Print text information. PROCEDURE **Clear** Remove all text from the log. PROCEDURE **String** (arg: ARRAY OF CHAR) Output string. PROCEDURE **Ln** New line. PROCEDURE **Char** (arg: CHAR) Writes a character value to the log. PROCEDURE **Real** (arg: REAL) Writes a real value to the log. PROCEDURE **RealForm** (arg: REAL; fixed: INTEGER) Writes a real value to the log with fixed decimal places. PROCEDURE **Int** (arg: INTEGER) Writes an integer value to the log. PROCEDURE **Set** (arg: SET) Writes a set value to the log. PROCEDURE **Bool** (arg: BOOLEAN) Writes TRUE or FALSE boolean value to the log. ===== Example ===== MODULE Init; IMPORT Log; PROCEDURE Do; BEGIN Log.Clear; Log.String("Hello World!"); Log.Ln END Do; BEGIN Do END Init. [[|Open in online IDE →]]